Monday, January 28, 2013

Setup Virtual Server connect to internet (Exam 70-462)

Setup Virtual server in Hyper-V connect to Internet (Exam 70-462)

Setup up External Virtual Switch
From Hyper-V manager, click on Virtual Switch Manager

In Create Virtual Switch Manager, that is 3 options (External;Internal;Private)
Creates a virtual switch that binds to the physical network adapter so that virtual machines can access a physical network.
Creates a virtual switch that can be used only by the virtual machines that run on this physical computer, and between the virtual machines and the physical computer. An internal virtual switch does not provide connectivity to a physical network connection.
Creates a virtual switch that can be used only by the virtual machines that run on this physical computer.

I want setup virtual server to use internet to active my window license, in this case, I create external virtual switch.
I change the name to "External" and choose my network card.
When I press ok, it give me Apply networking changes warning, I press "Yes"
I can see the External Virtual switch created
From virtual server-> DC ->Settings
I select "Add Legacy Network Adapter" and press "Add"
I change Virtual switch option from "Not Connected" to "external"; the virtual switch I created just now and press "ok"
After complete setting, I start my virtual server and virtual server can connect to internet
The above is for Exam 70-462 lab setting environment.

Active Window License in Lab Environment (exam 70-462)

Active Window License in Lab Environment (exam 70-462)
After download window 2008 evaluation and install, we need active window online, else the window will be expired

from command prompt, run this
slmgr.vbs -dli

From computer, properties
Press Active Windows online now
After minutes, It will show activation was successful

 Check the window activation status, now license is valid for 180 days

The above activation for 70-462 lab setting environment.

Virtual Server auto-shutdown

My virtual server auto-shutdown and I don't know why
Google and found this
hyper-v virtual server will sometime auto shutdown unexpected without any error or massage.

Virtual server auto shutdown maybe because Windows 2008 evaluation expired.

I try the instruction in this page to extend the evaluation period
How to extend the Windows Server 2008 evaluation period

slmgr.vbs -dli to check current window evaluation status.
slmgr.vbs –rearm, to reset evaluation period to 60 days

After I reset evaluation and restart virtual server, I rerun slmgr.vbs -dli to check the status again
It ONLY extend 10 days !

Friday, January 11, 2013

SQL January free resource

JAN 2013
Video watched
Performance and Query Optimizations in SQL Server 2012
Published Date: December 03, 2012
Presented By:  Bob Beauchemin

High Availability for SQL Server Replication using Database Mirroring
Discuss on Providing High Availability for SQL Server Transactional Replictaion using Database Mirroring
Source :

Article/Whitepaper readed
When to Break Down Complex Queries
Problematic query scenario/ example and how to solve.
Published Date:21 Oct 2011