Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Replication - find replication error command

Find Replication error command :
from distribution database, Keying publisherDB name and commandId

declare @PublisherDB sysname,
@PublisherDBID int,@SeqNo nchar(22),@CommandID int

-- Set publisher database name and values from Replication Monitor
set @PublisherDB='publisherdatabasename'

--Set @SeqNo = N'0x0000030100001D68000A0000000'
--Set @CommandID=956
Set @SeqNo = N'valuefromreplicationmonitor'
Set @CommandID ='value from replicationmonitor'

select top 1 @PublisherDBID =publisher_database_id from MSdistribution_agents(nolock)
where publisher_db=@PublisherDB
-- Get the command
Exec sp_browsereplcmds
@xact_seqno_start = @SeqNo,
@xact_seqno_end = @SeqNo,
@command_id = @CommandID,

In result return, look for command column

Monday, August 13, 2012

SQL Reporting service - move reporting database

Create the RSExecRole
"Reporting Services uses a predefined database role called RSExecRole to grant report server permissions to the report server database. The RSExecRole role is created automatically with the report server database. As a rule, you should never modify it or assign other users to the role. However, when you move a report server database to a new or different SQL Server Database Engine, must re-create the role in the Master and MSDB system databases. "
  This page show how to manual create RSExecRole database role in MSDB and Masater database. Assign all permission in the database role - RSExecRole.

I create RSExecRole manually in my Mirroring database before I failover.

Moving the Report Server Databases to Another Computer
- Detaching and Attaching the Report Server Databases

- Backing Up and Restoring the Report Server Databases

Initialize a Report Server - Mircosoft
Understand how Reporting Service creates and stores a symmetric key used for encryption.

Reporting Service - Encryption Key - Mircosoft

How to: Migrate a Reporting Services Installation
Step to setp to migrate a reporting service

Progress on Reporting Services Failover (SQL 2008 R2 SSRS Failover) - Dataman in LasVegas
Reporting service is turn on at both Principle and mirroring reporting database, Restore encryption key on both sqlserver as well

Migrating SQL Reporting Services to a new server by moving the Reporting Services databases - www.mssqltips.com, Dale Kelly
Step by Step with UI