Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Read ALL SQL deadlock information from Extended Events Log

How to read single deadlock information from extend event log
Read SQL deadlock information from Extended Events Log

So if we want to read all deadlock information which log into extend event,
how I doing ?
1. Run the below query in ssms to retrieve deadlock information from extend event.
Remember to change the folder name based on sqlversion
 "FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('D:\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL"
 2. Copy the result into notepad and save
3. Open the notepad from excel with delimited "|"
4. All deadlock information will show in excel worksheet

create table #tempdeadlock
(rownumber int,
 Code varchar(max),
 Code2 varchar(max),
 Code3 varchar(max),
 Code4 varchar(max),
  Code5 varchar(max),
   Code6 varchar(max),
   PagelockObject varchar(200),
   DeadlockObject varchar(200),
   [processid] varchar(200),
 [KeylockObject] varchar(200),
 [Index] varchar(200),
 [IndexLockMode] varchar(5),
 [Victim] char(1),
  VictimProcessID NVarChar(50),
 [Procedure]  varchar(200),
 [LockMode] char(1),
 [ClientApp]  varchar(100),
 [HostName]  varchar(20),
 [LoginName] varchar(20),
 [spid] varchar(10),
 [TransactionTime] datetime,
   [InputBuffer] varchar(1000))

declare @max int
declare @min int
declare @intFlag int=1
declare @textall varchar(max)
select @max=max(rownumber),@min=min(rownumber) from #temp2
set @intflag=@min
WHILE (@intFlag <=@max)
    PRINT @intFlag
    set @textall=
    declare @text varchar(max)
    declare @xmltext xml
    select @text=''''+replace(cast(xml1 as varchar(max)),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''' from #temp2 where rownumber='+cast(@intflag as varchar(10))+'
     set @xmltext=cast(@text as xml)
    insert into #tempdeadlock
    select '+ cast(@intflag as varchar(10))+ ' as rownumber,
 [Code] =  replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[1]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
[Code2] =  replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[2]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
[Code3] =  replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[3]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
[Code4] =  replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[4]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
[Code5] =  replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[5]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
[Code6] = replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[6]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '') ,
  [PagelockObject] = @xmltext.value(''/deadlock-list[1]/deadlock[1]/resource-list[1]/pagelock[1]/@objectname'', ''varchar(200)''),
 [DeadlockObject] =@xmltext.value(''/deadlock-list[1]/deadlock[1]/resource-list[1]/objectlock[1]/@objectname'', ''varchar(200)''),
[processid]=Deadlock.Process.value(''@id'', ''varchar(200)''),
 [KeylockObject] = Keylock.Process.value(''@objectname'', ''varchar(200)''),
 [Index] = Keylock.Process.value(''@indexname'', ''varchar(200)''),
 [IndexLockMode] = Keylock.Process.value(''@mode'', ''varchar(5)''),
 [Victim] = case when Deadlock.Process.value(''@id'', ''varchar(50)'') = DeadlockList.Graphs.value(''(victim-list/victimProcess[1]/@id)[1]'', ''NVarChar(50)'')  then 1 else 0 end,
 DeadlockList.Graphs.value(''(victim-list/victimProcess[1]/@id)[1]'', ''NVarChar(50)'') AS VictimProcessID,
 [Procedure] = Deadlock.Process.value(''executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@procname[1]'', ''varchar(200)''),
 [LockMode] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@lockMode'', ''char(1)''),
 [ClientApp] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@clientapp'', ''varchar(100)''),
 [HostName] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@hostname'', ''varchar(20)''),
 [LoginName] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@loginname'', ''varchar(20)''),
 [spid] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@spid'', ''varchar(10)''),
 [TransactionTime] = Deadlock.Process.value(''@lasttranstarted'', ''datetime''),
  [InputBuffer] = replace(replace(replace(replace(Deadlock.Process.value(''inputbuf[1]'', ''varchar(1000)''),CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),''''),char(13),''''),char(10),''''),'' '','' '')

 from @xmltext.nodes(''/deadlock-list/deadlock/process-list/process'') as Deadlock(Process)
      LEFT JOIN @xmltext.nodes(''/deadlock-list/deadlock/resource-list/keylock'') as Keylock(Process)
        ON Keylock.Process.value(''owner-list[1]/owner[1]/@id'', ''varchar(50)'') =
           Deadlock.Process.value(''@id'', ''varchar(50)'')
      CROSS JOIN  @xmltext.nodes(''/deadlock-list/deadlock'') AS DeadlockList(Graphs)
  exec (@textall)
    SET @intFlag = @intFlag + 1

select * from #tempdeadlock

select distinct rownumber,'|' as '|',
 REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code ,'|' as '|',
  REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code2, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code2 ,'|' as '|',
   REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code3, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code3 ,'|' as '|',
    REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code4, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code4 ,'|' as '|',
     REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code5, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code5 ,'|' as '|',
      REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Code6, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') as Code6 ,'|' as '|',

 PagelockObject ,'|' as '|',   DeadlockObject ,'|' as '|',   [processid] ,'|' as '|', [KeylockObject] ,'|' as '|',
 [Index] ,'|' as '|', [IndexLockMode] ,'|' as '|', [Victim] ,'|' as '|',  VictimProcessID ,'|' as '|', [Procedure]  ,'|' as '|', [LockMode] ,'|' as '|',
 [ClientApp] ,'|' as '|', [HostName]  ,'|' as '|', [LoginName] ,'|' as '|',
 [spid] ,'|' as '|', [TransactionTime] ,'|' as '|',   [InputBuffer]  from
#tempdeadlock where 1=1

Monday, July 11, 2016

Hyper-V Virtual Server connect to internet using WIFI

Below from my own reference, and I direct copy direct from the below URL
 how-to-set-a-hyper-v-virtual-machine-to-use-my-wi-fi-connection  -answered Jul 9 '14 at 20:32 byTravis

Below for my reference :

  1. Launch Hyper-V Manager from your App Menu
  2. In the Actions area in right-hand navigation, click “Virtual Switch Manager”
  3. When the Virtual Switch Manager window opens, select “New virtual network switch” on the left, select “Internal” on the right, and then click the “Create Virtual Switch” button
  4. Give the new switch a name like “Virtual WLAN” and click “OK”
  5. In Windows 8 sys tray, right-click on the wireless icon and click on “Open Network and Sharing Center.” You will see the new Unidentified Network connected to the vEthernet (Virtual WLAN) adapter.
  6. Back in Hyper-V Manager, select your VM (make sure it is turned off) and on the lower left side, click “Settings”
  7. The Settings window will default to Add New Hardware, select “Legacy Network Adapter” and click “Add”
  8. In the Legacy Adapter details, select the “Virtual WLAN” adapter we configured earlier and click “OK”
  9. Go back to Windows 8’s Network and Sharing Center and click on the “Wi-Fi” link (or the name of your laptop’s wireless adapter) listed in the Connections In the adapter status window, click “Properties”
  10. In the Properties window, click the Sharing tab, check the “Allow other network users…” box, select “vEthernet (Virtual WLAN)” (or the name of your wireless adapter), and click “OK” to close the window
  11. Click Close to exit the Wi-Fi status window
  12. To confirm you have it setup correctly, click on the “Change adapter settings” link. You should see the word Shared beside your wireless connection.
more detail : Using Your Windows 8 Wireless Connection Inside Hyper-V 

After setup all the above,  windows server in hyper-v able connect using WIFI

 Ubuntu using HyperV;
I still no manage to get my wifi connect to internet

I do the below :
sudo  ifconfig -a    -> cant get IP
sudo lshw -class network  -> it show network disabled
ls /sys/class/net   -> show ubuntu internet interfce name; example :   enpp1203

enabled network interface enpp1203
sudo dhclient enpp1203

sudo lshw -class network
We can see the "disabled" word no longer there

after do the above step, i can connect to internet from Ubuntu inside hyperv using my wifi

Friday, May 20, 2016

Read SQL deadlock information from Extended Events Log

Analysis Deadlock from Extended Event Log is difficult.
It will give result in XML Code

Do google and found out script to convert the XML code to table format so we can easy analysis the deadlock information - Reading Deadlock Trace

we paste the xml format get from the extended event log;
1) SSMS- >Servername->Management->Extended Events-> Session-> system_health->Package0.event_file
2) Right click -> View Target data
3) filter with xml_deadlock_report
4) in the row return with xml_deadlock_report, click on detail window -> values
    xml data will be appear in another window
5) copy the deadlock graph xml data and add at the start of xml file and to the end of the xml data
6) pass the xml into "put your deadlock graph here"
declare @deadlock xml set @deadlock = 'put your deadlock graph here'
select [PagelockObject] = @deadlock.value('/deadlock-list[1]/deadlock[1]/resource-list[1]/pagelock[1]/@objectname', 'varchar(200)'), [DeadlockObject] = @deadlock.value('/deadlock-list[1]/deadlock[1]/resource-list[1]/objectlock[1]/@objectname', 'varchar(200)'), [KeylockObject] = Keylock.Process.value('@objectname', 'varchar(200)'), [Index] = Keylock.Process.value('@indexname', 'varchar(200)'), [IndexLockMode] = Keylock.Process.value('@mode', 'varchar(5)'), [Victim] = case when Deadlock.Process.value('@id', 'varchar(50)') = @deadlock.value('/deadlock-list[1]/deadlock[1]/@victim', 'varchar(50)') then 1 else 0 end, [Procedure] = Deadlock.Process.value('executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@procname[1]', 'varchar(200)'), [LockMode] = Deadlock.Process.value('@lockMode', 'char(1)'), [Code] = Deadlock.Process.value('executionStack[1]/frame[1]', 'varchar(1000)'), [ClientApp] = Deadlock.Process.value('@clientapp', 'varchar(100)'), [HostName] = Deadlock.Process.value('@hostname', 'varchar(20)'), [LoginName] = Deadlock.Process.value('@loginname', 'varchar(20)'), [TransactionTime] = Deadlock.Process.value('@lasttranstarted', 'datetime'), [InputBuffer] = Deadlock.Process.value('inputbuf[1]', 'varchar(1000)')
 from @deadlock.nodes('/deadlock-list/deadlock/process-list/process') as Deadlock(Process)
      LEFT JOIN @deadlock.nodes('/deadlock-list/deadlock/resource-list/keylock') as Keylock(Process)
        ON Keylock.Process.value('owner-list[1]/owner[1]/@id', 'varchar(50)') = Deadlock.Process.value('@id', 'varchar(50)')

SQL Reporting database (SSRS) moving/migration- note

Back Up and Restore Reporting Services Encryption Keys An important part of report server configuration is creating a backup copy of the symmetric key used for encrypting sensitive information. A backup copy of the key is required for many routine operations, and enables you to reuse an existing report server database in a new installation.
refer to the above link for how to back up and restore reporting services encryption keys.

Both the reportserver and reportservertempdb databases must be moved or copied together

  • Schedules will be recreated the first time that you restart the Report Server service.
  • SQL Server Agent jobs that are used to trigger a schedule will be recreated on the new database instance. You do not have to move the jobs to the new computer, but you might want to delete jobs on the computer that will no longer be used.
  • Subscriptions, cached reports, and snapshots are preserved in the moved database. If a snapshot is not picking up refreshed data after the database is moved, clear the snapshot options in Report Manager, click Apply to save your changes, re-create the schedule, and click Apply again to save your changes.
  • Temporary report and user session data that is stored in reportservertempdb are persisted when you move that database.
 refer to the above link for more information

Information from the article
Reporting Services uses a predefined database role called RSExecRole to grant report server permissions to the report server database. The RSExecRole role is created automatically with the report server database. As a rule, you should never modify it or assign other users to the role. However, when you move a report server database to a new or different SQL Server Database Engine, must re-create the role in the Master and MSDB system databases.

The article has instruction how to re-create the role in the Master and MSDB system databases using SSMS gui

The below scripts copy from the above article for my reference

use [master]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [sys].[xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [sys].[xp_sqlagent_is_starting] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [sys].[xp_sqlagent_notify] TO [RSExecRole]
use [msdb]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_add_jobschedule] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_add_jobserver] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_verify_job_identifiers] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_add_jobstep] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_help_jobschedule] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_add_category] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_help_job] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_add_job] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_help_category] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_delete_job] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[syscategories] TO [RSExecRole]
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[sysjobs] TO [RSExecRole]  

Monday, January 25, 2016

SQL 2016 CTP3 testing

Time to testing SQL 2016 new features
1. Download SQL 2016 CTP3 3.2 with evaluation version

2. Setup Hyper-V

3. Install SQL 2016 in Virtual Server

4. download SQL 2016 testing database and database

5. Restore AdventureWorks2016CTP3 database
    Download file (AdventureWorks2016CTP3.bak & AdventureWorksDW2016CTP3.bak) from
     step 4

6. Going to test the below features with the demo script from step 4
    Always Encrypted           
    Clustered Columnstore Index
    Data Masking               
    In-Memory OLTP             
    Row-Level Security        
    Query Store               
    Stretch DB             
    Temporal Tables