Friday, August 02, 2013

2 nodes with Default Quorum (Node Majority) setup; Shutdown Secondary node

Cluster service, 2 nodes with Default Quorum (Node Majority) setup;
Shutdown server node with Secondary Replicas host (SQL-A); What will happen to SQLServer?

Shutdown Server node SQL-A where Secondary Replica sit.

After SQL-A server node shutdown,
- SQL-B SQLServer availability database testing in "Recovery Pending"
- AlwaysOn High Availability groups - ALWAYSONAG in "Resolving"
- Availability Replicas, SQL-B in "Resolving" mode
- Availability Group Listeners is missing

Availability Dashboard

SQL Error log

why this happen ? We expect the Sqlserver (SQL-B) for Primary should not affected if Secondary server down (SQL-A).

System Error log (SQL-B)

Remember in the cluster quorum configuration, we use default quorum with node majority whereby cluster service will sustain with 0 node down?
When on node down, cluster service can't sustain and SQL Availability database is down as well
2 nodes with Default Quorum (Node Majority) setup; Cluster service will sustain with 0 node down

 Restart SQL-A server
SQLServer up

SQL Error Log

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