Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Get index progress in SQL 2004 and above

Copy from answer from Solomon Rutzky on topic SQL Server : HOw To trace progress of Create index command. This query is very useful to trace the progress. Pam Lahoud also mention in SQL 2019, that is new dmv called sys.index_resumable_operations  which trace resume index operation.

I copy script to here for reference and reference URL as below


;WITH agg AS
     SELECT SUM(qp.[row_count]) AS [RowsProcessed],
            SUM(qp.[estimate_row_count]) AS [TotalRows],
            MAX(qp.last_active_time) - MIN(qp.first_active_time) AS [ElapsedMS],
            MAX(IIF(qp.[close_time] = 0 AND qp.[first_row_time] > 0,
                    N'<Transition>')) AS [CurrentStep]
     FROM sys.dm_exec_query_profiles qp
     WHERE qp.[physical_operator_name] IN (N'Table Scan', N'Clustered Index Scan',
                                           N'Index Scan',  N'Sort')
     AND   qp.[session_id] = @SPID
), comp AS
     SELECT *,
            ([TotalRows] - [RowsProcessed]) AS [RowsLeft],
            ([ElapsedMS] / 1000.0) AS [ElapsedSeconds]
     FROM   agg
SELECT [CurrentStep],
       CONVERT(DECIMAL(5, 2),
               (([RowsProcessed] * 1.0) / [TotalRows]) * 100) AS [PercentComplete],
       (([ElapsedSeconds] / [RowsProcessed]) * [RowsLeft]) AS [EstimatedSecondsLeft],
               (([ElapsedSeconds] / [RowsProcessed]) * [RowsLeft]),
               GETDATE()) AS [EstimatedCompletionTime]
FROM   comp;

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